Atlas Investment Firm offers extremely low rate solutions for your residential and commercial solar clients. We strive towards a time when solar is affordable to every family, sole trader, and business owner alike. At AIF, we are dedicated to a sustainable and affordable future.
With unsecured rates starting from 4.49% and terms of up to 10 years, Atlas Investment Firm can structure a product to suit you.
Residential Solar Finance
1 to 10 years; 4.49% interest rate (comparative rate: 5.75%*)
No early exit fees, client can pay out any time and avoid paying the remaining interest
No merchant fees of any kind
Funding unsecured up to $80,000
Can also cater to any home improvement requirement (air conditioning, roof restorations, home renovations etc) all in one loan with the same low interest and terms.
*The comparison rate is based on an unsecured loan amount of $30,000 over a loan term of 5 years.
WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges in the case of late payment. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate.
Commercial Solar Finance
1 – 7 year terms available 6.99%
Low credit requirements
Funding available for businesses operating for longer than 2 years
Relaxed criteria requiring minimal documentation
Maximum lending capacity assessed case by case
Please reach out for a more detailed introduction into the product or to schedule a meeting.